Friday, May 16, 2014

List, Collection and Array

1.  A Simple Pair Class:   This class implements a simple Value/Name pair
2.  A To-Do Task Manager with Drag and Drop Capabilities:   Always see your 'to do' tasks in priority order. Drag 'n drop the important ones to the top of the
3.  Binclass-a simple array structure for collecting numeric data:   The Bin Class is a simple array s  structure for dispersing numeric data. I created the Bin Class for use in a timesheet
4.  Bubble Sort For Numeric Data:   The idea behind the bubble sort algorithm is to scan through a list of items until finding two adjacent items that are out of order, and then switching those items and
5.  Bubble and Shell Sort Demo:   The attached zip contains code that opens a text file, summarizes the data and demonstrates the bubble or shell sort methods to sort the data
6.  Collection Class Derived From VB's Collection Object:   This class enables use the Implements keyword to create real object orientated
7.  Determine if a Value Exists in an Array without Looping:   This function is very handy for checking whether a value exists in an
8.  Dictionary class:   This .dll implements a Dictionary object. It is based on VB Collection and the included user-defined pair
9.  Dictionary-Tree Class-Stores Data in a Tree-Like Structure:   This collection class allows you to store data in a tree-like fashion, such
10.  Dynamic Integer Array Class:   This array wrapper class enhances the functionality of an integer array in a number of
11.  Dynamic array class for Strings:   This is a dynamic array class (implemented for Strings but can be easily generalized for any other type of object) based on VB's existing implementation of
12.  Employees Collection Class Example:   Demonstrates how to use Collections and implement Collection
13.  Enhancment of the VB Collection Object:   This class module is a good example of a user-defined collection
15.  Generate an Array of Unique Random Numbers:   This function will generate an ARRAY of TRULY random
16.  Hive - Alternative to Collection and Dictionary:   Better, Faster and more rich than Collection and
17.  Merge Sort and Bubble Sort For String Data:   There is an extensive description in the code for what a merge sort
18.  Most Recently Used Items Class:   This code mainaines the list of most recently used items in your application. Items could be i.e. last opened files (paths+filenames)
19.  Non-Repeating Random Numbers or Data using Arrays:   This Code Shows how to:Use Arrays to help select nonrepeating random
20.  Plot Numerical Data Arrays on a Graph:   Plot.bas can be used to plot numerical
21.  Print Custom Reports Using Custom Grid Array:   The attached form shows how to: Display and print a report using custom grid array Right, Left and Center Align text in cells or columns
22.  Random Array Generator:   Simple function for generating a random array of long integers. A simple application that uses the function is
23.  Random Object-Data Generator:   Though the technique used in this example as a random number generator the code with little modification can be used for a variety of
24.  Search and Delete Elements from Arrays:   This Demo shows an easy way to:Search for data and delete elements from a dynamic
25.  Simple Function To Sort Standard Collections:   I wrote this just now to sort a list that I'm using throwing into a
27.  Sort Module For Strings and Numbers:   Usage is explained and and example is given within the
28.  Sort a Two-Dimensional Array on Any Element:   This subroutine sorts one or two dimensional
30.  Store Command Line Arguments in An Array:   I often need to get and store command line
31.  String Sort Routines-Quick, Merge, Selection, and Insert Sort:   Generic string sort routines. I prefer to use the 'non-pure' Quick Sort unless you have a good reason to choose another
32.  TheArray LoginMethod:   Most login forms use databases or resource
33.  Two-Dimensional Array Demo for Beginners:   simple program that shows how a two-dimensional array works within a VB
34.  Using a 3 Dimensional Array:   Most multi-dimensional arrays that are used are two dimensional arrays eg. databases with records and fields, screen coordinates with X and Y and recordsets with rows and columns, but there are greater multi-dimensional arrays. There is very little documentation on these

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