Sunday, April 8, 2012


Free download Database Visual Basic 6

1.           A Word Proccessor:   You Can Use It As A Word Proccessor. Author: Mykel aka EaSt'
2.           A complete Salary Based Program:   This is a complete Salary Based Program, using an Access Database, and Crystal Reports For Reporting. Author: Harbir
3.           A complete attendance taking application:   Its a complete attendance taking application. The code demonstrates how you can handle dates & time in visual basic and Access. Reports are used by recordset. Author: Fareed
4.           A complete database project with ADO:   The Backend database is Access. ADO connection is without DSN(Database protected by password). Author: Sarath babu
5.        A front end for you to use with VB  to SQL :   This program is a front end for you to use with VB  to SQL Author: MST .
6.        A good repository:   A good repository. For those of you already using v, here is a short list of updates. Author: K.
7.        A hotel management program with multiple login:   A hotel management program with multiple login for admin,user.checkin ,checkout,reservation details ,reports ,sttistics,and more... Author: ashik
8.        A newer version of Diary:   A newer version of Diary which contains more features than the older version. Author: Lim Meng
9.        A simple example of a collection that uses:   This is a simple example of a collection that uses ADO. Author:
10.       A small Sales Transaction Inventory control program Framework:   A small Sales Transaction Inventory control program Framework. Author: Jawad Rafiq
11.       ADO + MTS Data Class:   ADO + MTS Data Class. Author: MIke
12.       ADO AbsolutePage and PageSize Demonstration:   This demonstration application shows you how to use the AbsolutePage and PageSize properties of a recordset. Author: david
13.       ADO ConnectionString Maker for Available DSNs:   This demonstration application shows you how to use the AbsolutePage and PageSize properties of a recordset. Author: david
14.       ADO Data Access COM/COM+ Object:   ADO Data Access COM/COM+ Object that is completly stateless and implements MTS. Author: CodeDawg
15.       ADO Recordset Paging in VISUAL BASIC:   This example of ADO Recordset Paging is written in Visual Basic!. Author:
16.       ADO Utilities Class (Updated --):   This class encapsulates many routine tasks in ADO programming, which reduces the tedium and increases the reusability of your code. Author: Brian Gillham (Featured Developer)
17.       ADO transactions:   Demonstrate ADO transactions (BeginTrans, Rollbacktrans, CommitTrans). Author: Massimo
18.       ADO-Access  VB Code Generator:   this utilitie generate code that you can use inside your apps to create an Access  Database With ADO. Author: Carlos
19.       ADO-MTS class:   This class encapsulates ADO functionality such as returning recordsets from SQL statements and stored procedures. Author: Mike
20.       ADOHelper-Performs Common and Complex Database Tasks:   This module demonstrates how to perform common operations with ADO. Author: Avaneesh
21.       Access Database Viewer and Tools, Including Excel Exporter:   This application allows you to open access databases. Author: Valentino Lopez & Mario
22.       Access Viewer and SQL Generator:   This is a simple application using DAO for viewing Access databases and generating simple insert,select, and update queries. Author:
23.       Access mdb database. Read, write, update, (add, edit) delete records:   Access mdb database. Read, write, update, (add, edit) delete records. ListView catolog with Column sort and User width. All on a form with tabs. Documented for beginners. Author:
24.       Active X Control to Navigate and Edit a Database Version :   This is a simple application using DAO for viewing Access databases and generating simple insert,select, and update queries. Author:
25.       ActiveX .Exe Client-Server Database Application:   This application how you can use ActiveX exe for Three tier database application, with full client-Server communication thru callbacks. Author:
26.       Address Book (Includes Data Report-Data Environment):   This is an Address Book I created while learning to use VB  Author: Eric
27.       Address Book (Web and Email Enabled):   This is a application that you use to store contact information, including name, address, company, telephone, email, webpage, info, photo and more. Author: Kenneth
28.       Address Book(AnyAddress):   My Address Book(AnyAddress) allows you to add the persons name, email,Homepage ,Address, phone number and so many other fields. Author:
29.       Address book with search and ability to add notes:   Address book with search and ability to add notes. Author: Marko
30.       Agenda with Address Book and Calendar:   This is a agenda with a adressbook and a calendar with alert function. Author: Kenneth
31.       An ADO module that handle the most common ADO functions:   An ADO module that handle the most common ADO functions with error handling, and stuff. Author: Sean
32.       An Electricity Billing System:   Shows a map that enabled to find and shows users house. Add, edit, delete,computes and generate printed reports. Author: Raymond
33.       An application to help understand Crystal Reports :   It shows changing a database at runtime and how to email the report in Acrobat Reader format (.pdf). Author: Eugene
34.       An attractive Address Book:   An attractive Address Book. Author: Aaron
35.       Append Excel worksheet to Access database:   An example of appending an Excel worksheet to an Access database. Author:
36.       Asynchronous Fetching of Records using ADO:   Asynchronous Fetching of Records using ADO . Author: Sandip
37.       AutoBank:   AutoBank can be thought of as a demo version for a complete banking automation software. Author: Anubhav
38.       Automatically generate a function to create an Access  Database With ADO: This utility generates a function that you can use inside your apps to create an Access Database With ADO. Author: Carlos
39.       Back up a SQL Database Using SQL-DMO:   See comments within code for usage/explanation. Requires a reference to SQL/DMO object library. Author: Sanjaya
40.       Bug tracking application to manage your Visual Basic projects:   Change ini file to show path to the Access file after downloading which is in the Database sub directory. To view the reports install SVG Viewer - free from Author: Peter
41.       COPYING RECORDSETS USING ADO  STREAM OBJECT AND XML (MDAC  REQUIRED):   Creating a copy of a Recordset could mean using the Recordset.Clone method sometimes. However, this is not always appropriate because ADO's Recordset. Author: Ms Access
42.       Client-Server application through SOAP protocol:   This sample demonstrate Client-Server application through SOAP protocol to get the data in a database which was transfered in XML format. Author: Ahmad A.
43.       Client-Server database example:   Learn about Three-Tier Architecture and how to pass a parameter to an oracle stored procedure using an ADO Connection. Author:
44.       Compact and Repair a User Level secured Access database:   This code can be used to compact and repair an access database with user level security using the Microsoft Jet and Replication Objects Library (part of ADO). Author: Phil
45.       Compact-Repair Access Database Utility:   This utility will compact and repair the access database you select. Author: Kenneth
46.       Compact/repair/Create Tables:   Basic database functions. Compact/repair/Create Tables. Author: Alex
47.       Compare two recordsets using a bubble sort method:   Compare two recordsets using a bubble sort method. Great for. Author: Jesse
48.       Complete ADO example:   Complete ADO example. Author: Venugopal Ramesh
49.       Complete ADO sample:   Complete ADO sample. Learn how to use ADO to add, modify, delete and print(Using Data Report) records. Author:
50.       Complete Library Management Software:   This quality Software can be easily implemented into any Library system. Author: Abdul Rafay
51.       Complete Stock Application:   Complete Stock Application. Author: Muhammad
52.       Connect to a Secure Access Database Using ADO:   A secure Access database is one which in which the database and its users, groups, and permissions are created and set via an .mdw file. Author:
53.       Connect with Foxpro database:   Connect with Foxpro database. Author: Muhammad Junaid
54.       Contact Manager With Database-File Export:   This is a contact manager program that allows you to export from an access database to a random access file, and vice versa. Author: Erdogan
55.       Convert CSV to Oracle Compatible SQL Insert Statements:   This application is designed to convert pipe-delimited files to Oracle compatible SQL INSERT statements. Author: Alastair
56.       Convert any excel file to Ms-access database and an:   Convert any excel file to Ms-access database and any. Author: Swapan
57.       Convert your Code to Color-Coded HTML (Access ):   Save your module code in a text file (or code less than  chars can be copied to clipboard). Author: Gary
58.       Create ADO recordset using another ADO recordset as template:   Create ADO recordset using another ADO recordset as template. Author:
59.       Create SQL System DSN Through Registry Edits:   This code will create a "System DSN" that connects to SQL server. Actually there are two project files in the ZIP. Author:
60.       Create a blank Access DataBase from an existing one:   Create a blank Access DataBase from an existing one. Author: Hugh
61.       Create accounts for users to use your software:   Create accounts for users to use your software. Author: Author: Muhammd Junaid
62.       CreateEdit UDL (Universal Data Language) Files Version :   This is a class that lets you create and edit UDL files. These are files that contain ADO connection information to data sources. Author: Scott
63.       Creates a disconnected recordset to a SQL database:   Creates a disconnected recordset to a SQL database. Author: Elliot
64.       Creates a script for the selected tables while connected to an Oracle Database: Creates a script for the selected tables while connected to an Oracle Database. Author:
65.       Creates labels in MsWord  by taking data from a .MDB file:   Creates labels in MsWord  by taking data from a .MDB file. Author: Irshad M.
66.       Creating a blank DB by reading its structure (Tables, fields, Data Type) from a table in another DB:   Creating a blank DB by reading its structure (Tables, fields, Data Type) from a table in another DB. Author: Payman
67.       Crystal Reports VB-SQL Writer/Helper:   The application writes code for anyone developing using crystal reports and SQL Server. Author: Anthony
68.       Customers Database, inventory system, search databse records, cool gui, Debtors alert, password protected:   This application is suitable for a car shop. Author: Chris
69.       Cyber Cafe Automation system:   Cyber Cafe Automation system. Author: Sachin
70.       DB Utilities:   This program has  functions. Compact, repair, backup, and restore MS Access database. Uses DAO / object. Author:
71.       DBGrid Tutorial and Help:   I have downloaded this tutorial from APEX website a few years ago. It seems that there is no APEX company anymore and I can't find a current URL for it. Author: Piotr
72.       DMO, RDO, DAO and ADO Demonstration:   The program demonstrates major VB capabilities of database accessing. Author: Andrija
73.       Data Shaping and And Data Object Information Using ADODB and ADOX: This class allows you to obtain information about a database using ADOX, Microsoft's new extensions to ADO that allow you to set and read information about database objects such as tables, fields, and indexes. Author: Brian Gillham (Featured Developer)
74.       Data Source Class For ADO Recordset Operations:   This class shows you how to use the DataBinding and DataSource functionality of VB classes. Author:
75.       Database Active X Control:   You never need to write even a single line for Add new Record, Delete, Update, Undo, move next,previous,last and first. Based on ADO. Author: Muhammad Junaid
76.       Database Navigation Control with Demo Application:   This Active X Control can be used for navigation of records in your project. Author: UMESH
77.       Database Query Analyzer:   Generate INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE and format SELECT queries from the selected database. Author: Andrew
78.       Database Viewer application:   Allows you to view and scroll through all of the records in a database. Author: Ali Ezzahir
79.       Database Viewer for IBM DB:   Database Viewer for IBM DB. Author: Tridib
80.       Database to xml.:   This code downloads all the tables from a database(sql) and writes it in the form of XML file. Author: Amitabh
81.       Datareporter tool:   The datareporter tool is a great tool, with a few exceptions. Author: Jamie
82.       Demo for database access class automatically generated by CLASSter:   Full source demonstrates calling stored procedures, executing parameterized SQLs, multiple recordsets, batch execution, transaction control, XML processing, error handling, etc. Author: Urfin
83.       Demonstrates how to connect VB to Oracle:   Demonstrates how to connect VB to Oracle. Author: Muhamad Abdul
84.       Demonstrates how to convert text data into an MS Access database and vice versa:   Demonstrates how to convert text data into an MS Access database and vice versa. Author: Maqsood
85.       Demonstrates how to use ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) in Visual Basic: Demonstrates how to use ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) in Visual Basic. Author:
86.       Disconnected Recordsets in ADO-Demonstration:   This application is a contact manager that uses disconnected recordsets. Author: Vergel
87.       Display DAO Database Properties in a TreeView Control:   A class that allows you to displays Tables, System Tables, Indexes, Queries, etc. for an DAO database in a treeview control. Author: Paulo
88.       Display Data on a Chart Using MSChart control-Demo:   This code shows you how to display information from a database in a chart using the MSChart control. Author: UMESH
89.       Display Recordset Data While Conserving Read-Write Operations:   The following code was created for demonstration purpose only. This example program demonstrates how to use dynamic recordset and dynamic arrays to read and save data using objects. Author:
90.       Display Recordset Data in a ListView Control:   A Quick And Easy way to pass a Recordset to the ListView Control. Author:
91.       Display Table and Field Properties using ADO's OpenSchema Method:   This applications illustrates: () how to use the ADO Schema to obtain a list of tables of a database () possible techniques to enable opening several tables on the screen in the same session (using the same form) yet without conflict. () how to display various attributes/properties in human readable text, as opposed to VB's original numeric codes. Author:
92.       Display a list of database tables. Displays design of table on selecting table name: Display a list of database tables. Displays design of table on selecting table name. Author: Lomesh A.
93.       Display the ADO Connection Window (ADO DB Designer):   This function takes a connection string as a parameter and displays the ADO DB Designer Window, which allows the user to edit the properties of the connection. Author: Leo
94.       Display the Structure of a Jet database:   This application uses DAO to display the structure of an Access  or Access  database. Author: Russell
95.       Easy way to fill MSflex Grid & Data Grid:   Easy way to fill MSflex Grid & Data Grid with database at run time using Unbound property. You can also search particular record in grids. Author: Vivek
96.       Encapsulator of XML Features in SQL Server :   This class acts as a re-useable object for calling Stored Procedures and SQL Queries that return XML from SQL Server. Author: Josh
97.       Example for those who want to connect to a Database with:   Example for those who want to connect to a Database with ado and Visual basic. Author: Philip
98.       Explore Access Databases with ADO, Version :   This application allows you to open Access databases, view their tables and fields and run queries in its own SQL window. Author:
99.       Export Access Tables to Other Formats Using a SQL Statement:   You can use a Common Dialog control placed on a form somewhere to use this, or set opnFilename to the complete path and filename with extension. Author: Jeff
100.   Export a DAO Recordset to an Excel Spreadsheet:   Requires a reference to DAO and Microsoft Excel Object Library Version  (the one that ships with Excel ). Will also work with Excel  object library (Excel ), except for some of the file formats specified. Author: Marko
101.   Export a Recordset to a Delimited Text File Without Iterating the Recordset:This example shows you how to use the file system object and the recordset's GetString method to export recordset data to a delimited text file. Author: Narinder Pal
102.   Export an Access Database Table or Query to Excel:   This short application will export a given Access database table or query into an excel sheet. Author:
103.   Export data from a database to an XML File:   This controll helps you export data from a database to an XML File with minimum code. Author: Vivek
104.   Export sql data to a CSV File:   Export sql data to a CSV File . Author: Waty
105.   Express Test-Computerized Testing Application:   Express Test is a Computerized Testing Application. Author: Abdul Rafay
106.   Fairly complete MSAccess GL payroll system:   It was designed using the system analysis and project management method of software design. Many major school projects are based on this code. Author: Tony
107.   FieldExtractor:   This little program retrieves all of the values from a field in a table in an Access Database and puts them in to a text box with whatever seperator you choose and copies it to the clipboard.... perfect for getting a list of emails from a database ready for bulk emailing. Author: Alasdair
108.   Full ADO and SQL Operations:   Full ADO and SQL Operations. Author: abdollah
109.   General database application using Microsoft Access database:   General database application using Microsoft Access database. Author: Didarul Alam & Shampa
110.   Generates Insert, Update, Select statements for SQL Server:   This is a VB application that provides a UI for connecting to a SQL database; then you can select the table and fields you want to use, and it will generate insert, update, and select statments. Author:
111.   Get Access  database Password:   Get Access  database Password. Author: Bharat &
112.   Household expense planner:   Household expense planner. Author: Aaron
113.   How to fill MS Flex Grid using ADO:   This code show you how to fill MS Flex Grid using ADO. Author: Mike
114.   Image Type Field Control with DataBinding Capability:   This one is component that allows you to populate image data from a ADO field to the component just like you would populate a text field with text data from a text field. Author: Amit
115.   ImageDropper v:   ImageDropper v Component is usefull for Inserting & Retrieveing Images in a Database with Ease. Author: Prashant
116.   Import Microsoft Access database To SQL server database with one click only: It is an excellent application for Import Microsoft Access database To SQL server database with one click only. Author: Vivek
117.   Import an entire directory of Dbase files into a single Access database importing all tables from each database:   Import an entire directory of Dbase files into a single Access database by importing all tables from each database. Author: Evan
118.   Insert Data into an Oracle Long Column:   If you use a long (large text) column in oracle database tables, you cannot insert more than  characters using SQLPLU. Author: jay
119.   Insert, Update and Delete operations with an ASP:   This code sample illustrates Insert, Update and Delete operations with an ASP front end and MS Access database using ADO command object and stored queries. Author: LockwoodTech
120.   Inventory system for storing contacts and products in an Access database: Inventory system for storing contacts and products in an Access database. Author: Ian Bert
121.   Inventory system with backend database using Access:   Inventory system with backend database using Access. Author:
122.   Learn basic SQL commands with a simple tutorial and an application to test them:   Learn basic SQL commands with a simple tutorial and an application to test them. Author: Massimo
123.   Library Management Software:   Now Updated Version of Library Managemnt Software. Author: Vipin
124.   Library Management Software:   In this application one can learn to manage database (Insert, Update and Delete etc.). Author: Vipin
125.   List Tables and Columns in Access Database through ADO and DAO:   This Example shows you all the tables that reside in any access database with their fields and their data types. Author: Vikas
126.   List the contents of a database in the list box and add a new record in the database.:   List the contents of a database in the list box and add a new record in the database. Author: Vinit
127.   Loading-Saving Images to Database-Demo Application:   This is a complete application that shows you how to load images from a database to a picturebox using the ADO GetChunk method, and how to save images to a database using AppendChunk. Author: david
128.   Lookup table for a database without using any extra controls:   You can get the "ID" Field of a table while showing the "Name" field in the Combo BOX or List BOX. Author: Rahul
129.   MS SQL Stored Procedure Creator:   SPBuilder saves immense time by automating the process of building stored procedures for MS SQL Server. Author: Matt
130.   MS SQL-Server local/lan or remote on internet:   It shows ADO Programming and Some API. Author: Kenneth
131.   MarkSheet:   This program is totally designed in graphichs mode. Author: Farrukh
132.   Marksheet with much better graphical user interface:   Now this is Final Version of Marksheet with much better graphical user interface. Author: Farrukh
133.   Master Detail Data Entry With DataReports:   Many of us face the problem of creating master-detail data entry systems, it can be Order and Order Details or anything. Author: Mrugendra
134.   Microsoft Access Example:   A complete example that demonstrates how to create a useful timer that accumulates elapsed time. Author: Bret
135.   Migrates access tables to oracle using DAO with different options for migrating structure, data or generating script:   Migrates access tables to oracle using DAO with different options for migrating structure, data or generating script. Author: Shankara
136.   NiteBook-Address Book With Password Protection:   This is a multi-featured address book with password protection. Includes a text editor. Author:
137.   Open ADO Connection:   Open ADO Connection. Author: Mark
138.   Open a password pretected MDB, using DAO, Data Control, OLE Automation: Open a password pretected MDB, using DAO, Data Control, OLE Automation. Author: Dalin
139.   Opening DSNless connection in Access, SQL Server & Oracle:   Opening DSNless connection in Access, SQL Server & Oracle. Author: Abhijit
140.   Point Of Sale application:   Point Of Sale application that shows how to work with the DataEnvironment, as well as a little subclassing. Author: Danie
141.   Point and click your way to a complete sql query for Access or Sql Server databases:   Point and click your way to a complete sql query for Access or Sql Server databases. Author: John
142.   Populate a FlexGrid or Sheridan DataGrid with Data from an ADO Recordset: This is one of two functions on the site that loads dtaa from an ADO recordset into an MSFlexGrid. Author: Eddie
143.   Printing a dbgrid:   Demonstrates Printing a dbgrid (or a grid). Author: Massimo
144.   Property format and print a recordset:   This function will property format and print a recordset. Author: Huy
145.   Querybuilder Application for Access Database:   Querybuilder Application for Access Database. If you give the name of Database (MDB file) the rest it will handle (insert,update,select,delete). Author: Anil
146.   Random Access Files on the Pocket-PC (Tutorial):   A tutorial on how to turn FoxPro (and maybe Access) data tables (via VB) into Random Access files for use on Pocket-PC's. Author: Tony
147.   Read Excel and Text Files Using ADO:   This is a class reads Excel and Text Files using ADO. It is both a good demo of the technique and a useful utility for opening and displaying the contents of files. Author: Mike
148.   Read the data you need from a database:   Read the data you need from a database (the code is for oracle) and write it to an html file. Author:
149.   Read-Write file from Oracle BLOB using ADO:   Using Software Artisans FileManager Component (version ), it is really easy to read and write binary files to an Oracle Database (BLOB field). Author: Alastair
150.   Reads data from MS Access and Exports to MS Excel:   Reads data from MS Access and Exports to MS Excel. Author: Santanu
151.   Realizado por alumnos de la UTN:   Realizado por alumnos de la UTN (Argentina). Prog. de Reservas de videos. Author:
152.   SQL Script Generation Utility that uses SQLDMO:   This utility automatically generate SQL scripts for creating database tables,views and stored procedures. Author: Yelena
153.   SQL Server Interface:   Enter Server Name, select database & table--shows sql,tables, field properties. Sql statements can also be executed and saved to a text file. Author: John
154.   SQL Server Security DLL-Encapsulates Database Roles and Users:   This dll logs into the a SQL server, using admin L ogon and PW and fills out a class data model based on all the non-system defined roles associated to the provided database, and all the users assigned to each role. Author: John
155.   SQL Server Viewer Updated:   Log on to SQL Server, select database, tables, views, procedures, parameters and Execute, open, save queries. Works great for servers using MSDE!. Author: John
156.   SQL Server and Access Viewer-Editor Version :   Get records just by clicking tables/columns or perform custom SQL queries. Author: Kenneth
157.   SQL Statement:   SQL Statement, Select all Distinct Record on a Table and populate it on ComboBox or ListBox. Any Additional Code Send it to my E-mail. Author: Victor Francisco
158.   SQL-NS applications:   SQL-NS applications. Invoking a create database backup wizard. Author: Bhuwan Chand
159.   SQLServer'operation:   This class file can be used to start , stop and get name of the local sql server. Author: jatinder
160.   SQLServerJay:   It's the same program as last month but I added a function to list all the SQL server's names. Author:
161.   Save-Display Images from an Access Database-Demo:   This sample app shows how to save images to an access database and retrive them in order to display them. Author: Mrugendra
162.   Save-Retrieve Image From SQL Server Database Using Ado  Stream Object.
Using the ADO Stream object it is much easier to get/retrieve image data from a SQL Server Database. Below is a very simplified version of my code. Author: Michael P.
163.   Scource code for an ActiveX Dll used for data access:   This Dll allows you connect to a database, find records, save new records, edit existingrecords or delete records.Comes with a sample project and sample access 97. Author: Kenneth
164.   Search all records with have the same category to other tables:   Search all records with have the same category to other tables. Author: Victor Francisco
165.   SearchMultipleColoumwithListview:   Pulls a list of names from a database then auto-searches and selects the name in a ListView based on the name you type in. Author: Philip
166.   Simple code for creating a database using VB:   Simple code for creating a database using VB. Author: Musa
167.   Simple program that views a database, transacts custom SQL statements in SQL Server :   Simple program that views a database, transacts custom SQL statements in SQL Server . Author:
168.   Smart Reminders:   This is a Sample Code through which you can get/Set the reminders like Insurance Due Date and renewal of FD and Stuff Like That. Author: Harbir
169.   SqlPlus V for MS Access:   Connect to an Access database, run a query on the database and view the results. Author: Max
170.   Store Image files in a Database:   This is very Simple VB Project used to Store Image files in a Database. It is devloped using Chunk Method of ADODB. Author: Manisha
171.   Tests SQL queries:   Tests SQL queries, applying them on specified database and showing results. Author: Raziel
172.   Text based database system:   Text based database system. Author:
173.   This code demonstrates adding, deleting and modifying records in an MFlexgrid control:   This code demonstrates adding, deleting and modifying records in an MS Flexgrid control. Author: venkatraj
174.   Transfer data from FoxPro Table to Excel:   Transfer data from FoxPro Table to Excel. Author: Ramon Alexander
175.   Update Oracle's tnsnames.ora File Based on a Script:   This program allows users to update their tnsnames.ora file with the less amount of administrative effort. Author: James
176.   Updated Version of Library Managemnt Software:   In this application one can learn to manage database (Insert, Update and Delete etc.). This is a fully password protected application for avoiding unauthorized access of application. Author: Vipin
177.   Use ADO to display database data in a FlexGrid:   Use ADO to display database data in a FlexGrid. Author: Roy
178.   Use a winsock control to access a ADO database over a network/dialup connection:   This project shows how to Add/Delete, Read/Write access with ease. Author: Chris
179.   User Logon and Password (case-senditive) with ADO:   User Logon and Password (case-senditive) with ADO with a Microsoft Access / Database (UPDATED). Author:
180.   Using the Data Shape:   Using the Data Shape.txt. Author: Kaustubh
181.   Utilize the MsDataShape Provider for multi-dimension recordsets:   Utilize the MsDataShape Provider for multi-dimension recordsets. Author: Big
182.   VB.NET code to work with a SQL Server database:   VB.NET code to work with a SQL Server database (Insert, Update, Delete) Includes ReadMe, VS.NET project files and Database code required to run the app. Author: LockwoodTech
183.   Validate User Login using Stored Procedures in SQL:   Validate User Login using Stored Procedures in SQL. Author:
184.   Viewing Filtered data in the DBGRID object though its EMPLOYEE ID number:   Viewing Filtered data in the DBGRID object though its EMPLOYEE ID number. Author: Charlie M.
185.   Written to access a dbf file and generate a flat ASCII text file:   Written to access a dbf file and generate a flat ASCII text file, calculate employee hours and eventually write the data directly to a mainframe system. Author: Matt
186.   a front end for you to use with VB  to SQL :   This program is a front end for you to use with VB  to SQL , and is perfect if you are starting to progam on SQL server, write utility programs, or projects. Author:
187.   a map that enabled to find and shows users house:   An Electricity Billing System, Shows a map that enabled to find and shows users house. Add, edit, delete,computes and generate printed reports. Author: Raymond
188.   advocates for filling daily cases and their dates:   This is a software for advocates for filling daily cases and their dates. Author:
189.   all the fields of a record in specific textboxes:   Here we can use the boundtext property to display all the fields of a record in a very easy manner without using too much of coding. Author: Rahul
190.   applicaiton for automobile Company:   This is another database applicaiton for automobile Company. I hope you will like it. Author: Mohammad
191.   connect with oracle very easy:   connect with oracle very easy. Author: Rahul
192.   convert any Access table from any Access Database:   If you want to convert any Access table from any Access Database, picked up from local PC or Network or... just learn how to do it - this Article is for you. Author: Natalia
193.   create Access database directly from VB code:   This program will create BAS module with all the database structure informations and you can include that module in your app, and create as many databases as you want. Author:
194.   create Database application project in visual basic:   you can use menu bar and tool bar without using any command button for [Add new record, Save Record, Edit Record, Delete Record], you can also move into the first record, next record, pervious record, last record with the help of tool bar. Author: Vivek
195.   create User DSN (only for SQL Servers) Have a look:   It's a small Program on how to create User DSN (only for SQL Servers) Have a look. If you have any problem writing application please feel free to send me an email. Author:
196.   create an Access .mdb database from code:   This code demonstrates how to create an Access .mdb database from code, define a table and fields from code, populate the database and generate an html web page outputting the contents of the database. Author: Jonathan
197.   database for storing code snippets:   A database for storing code snippets. Source code included. Good project for beginners learning how to program the treeview control and link it to an access database. Author: Rick
198.   database password of Microsoft Access files:   The following code snippet reveals the database password of Microsoft Access files (mdb files), Version  or  97. In order to get the password of Access file, call the GetAccessPassword function. The function receives one argument contains the mdb filename, and returns the password. This function doesn't work with Access 2000/XP. Author: Nir
199.   database using dataenvironment:   Stockard Project, it's so simple that's why i'm sharing this so that you will learn. Author: Sharon
200.   database\Database Polymorphism:   This vb app contains classes which demonstrate how to use polymorphism. Author: John
201.   dislplay and edit data source in Grid without any *grid*.ocx:   Another way to dislplay and edit data source in Grid without any *grid*.ocx. Created with and for VB LE. Author:
202.   get Read/Editable Recordsets:   This is a ADO MS SQL-Server query program you can use to get Read/Editable Recordsets. Author: Kenneth
203.   graphical environment marksheet of Matric Board:   This is totally a graphical environment marksheet of Matric Board. I created this for help in graphical work in VB and gives great ideas for graphics and calculations too. Author: Farrukh
204.   how to access a foxpro table in vb:   Code shows how to access a foxpro table in vb. Author: M.Junaid
205.   how to use the data environment along with:   This code will show beginners how to use the data environment along with crystal report and the data grid object, using the nwind. Author: Helson
206.   maintain the birthday records of your friends:   The enclosed product is a package, which helps to maintain the birthday records of your friends. Author: anupam
207.   modGeneral:   This program exports the data from MySQL to the following  formats Ms-Access Database. Text File Excel File It has  modules and  Forms modGeneral.bas modeExport.bas frmMain frmExport frmServerSettings. Author: Kaustubh
208.   passing more than one parameter using a recordset and a command object:  The code will help you in passing more than one parameter using a recordset and a command object. Author: Khurram
209.   perform basic database functions programmatically:   SQL Server Tool that allows you to perform basic database functions programmatically. Create databases, tables, and columns. You can even drop columns, and tables. Author: Rohr
210.   probing non-protected MS Access databases:   After viewing database components (tables and fieldnames), the user enters a SQL statement. Author: Dave
211.   project on zoo automation:   This is a project on zoo automation. Author: somdutt
212.   records in ms-flexgrid according to the recordset type:   This project when runs opens any Access Database illustrating all its characteristics including recordset type and Sql Statements.This Program also displays records in ms-flexgrid according to the recordset type. Author: Sudhir Lal
213.   simple coding concepts for vb beginners:   This is a simple database program that shows simple coding concepts for vb beginners. Author: Muhammad
214.   store all your books collection in a simple easy to use database application: This database will allow you to store all your books collection in a simple easy to use database application. Author: Helson
215.   the adodc transaction:   Demonstrates the adodc transaction (Begin Transaction, Commit Transaction,And Roll Back ). Author: Surendra
216.   use MSHFlex Grid control to edit a recordset:   You can edit any cell by pressing ENTER or clicking on it. Author: Rahul
217.   view existing sql server database and table structure:   It's a small program. Author:
218.   what a SQL Query statement result will be:   This app will help you see what a SQL Query statement result will be. Author:

wait for the next source code.....


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