Sunday, April 8, 2012

Form And Control

Free download Form and Control Visual Basic 6

1.         3D Label Control:   Like the control at, this is an 3D label OCX. A good introduction to OCX development for beginners. Author: Khalid
2.         A demo on how to build a CoolBar:   A demonstration of using Coolbar Control to build a Coolbar in your application (CoolBar Control, MSComCtl.Ocx, is a container control for creating user-configurable toolbars similar to those seen in Internet Explorer). Author:
3.         AOL Style Command Button:   This is a command button that simulates the look and feel of the graphic buttons on AOL, including the borders, shadows, default font, and click animation. Author: VBCrazy's
4.         ActiveX Control to Set Maximum and Minimum size of a Form:   Add this control to your form and set the max and min properties. At run time when the user resizes the form, he/she will not be able to exceed the properties set. Author: Andrew
5.         Add Bookmarks to Text in an RTF Control:   The demo shows you how to create bookmarks in an RTF control similar to the breakpoints used in the VB IDE. Author: Marc
6.         Add Columns and Titles Effortlessly to a ListView Control:   Add all of your titles to a ListView and size their column-widths with a single call to one procedure. Documentation, troubleshooting notes, and the author's notes are contained within the code-sample. Sample Call: AddColumnsToViewBox "First", 30, "Second", 70. Author:
7.         Add a 3D Effect to Forms, Textboxes, and Labels:   Make 3D forms,text boxes or labels. Author: Adnan
8.         Advanced Form Shaper DLL:   FormShaper lets you change the shape that windows draws your forms. You can have rectangles, rounded rectangles, ellipses, polygons and any combination of the above! Even save the shapes to a file for use in other projects! See readme.txt in the zip file for more details. Author: Andrew
9.         Align Flexgrid Cells after Adding a Row or Column:   This is used to align the flexgrid currently to center, but can be changed to something else. Author: Ed
10.     An Easy ProgressBar:   This is a progress bar, which I think is a lot easier to use than the one provided by Microsoft (Maybe because I wrote it???). Author: Rudi De
11.     Animated About Form:   This is an example of how you can spice up your application by using animation on your about form. It's very simple: I just relocate and resize one image file and make it move around on the form. Hope it's useful to someone out there. Author: Paul
12.     Animated Form Unload:   Sample usage (e.g., from a File | Exit button. Author:
13.     Animated Gif Control:   OCX to display Animated Gifs in Visual Basic project. Author:
14.     Arrays To Columns in Text Box:   This code shows how to use arrays to put columns in text boxes. Author:
15.     Auto Complete ComboBox Version 1.2:   Included is a simple client form. Author: Papadogiannakis
16.     Auto-Complete Combo Box that Prevents User from Selecting Items Not in List:   Modified code found in MS MSDN Lib. Author: Henry aka PiR82k Erich
17.     AutoComplete for ComboBox In Which Only Existing Items are Allowed:   Make sure to add items to Combo1. Author: Jack
18.     AutoSize ListView Column Headers:   You can use this function to either autosize a single column header in a ListView control, or all of them at once. Author: Richard
19.     Automatically Select ListBox Item when the Mouse is Over It:   Call this function, passing the list box's hwnd, x, and y, from the list box's mousemove event, and the item the mouse is over will be selected. Author:
20.     Benchmarking and StopWatch class:   This class allows you to add benchmarking and/or a stop watch to your application. Author: Eswar
21.     Black Controls for use on Black Forms:   Includes a black check box, option box, and button. Author: Cem
22.     Blank and Lock-Unlock Form Input Controls:   These subroutines allow you to blank out. Author: Larry
23.     Cascading Effect for a Command Button:   A simple example of creating a cascading effect for a command button though mouse movement. Author:
24.     Cell-to-Cell Navigation of Grid Controls with Tab Key Dem:   This demo shows you how to implement navigation between cells using the tab key with grid controls such as the MSFlexGrid. Author: Vantha
25.     Change Back and Fore Color of Progress:   change back & fore color of Progress Bar with out using other activeX controls. Author: Mike
26.     Change the colors and fonts of the form and its controls to the windows default values:   Use this code during form load to set the application's form's colors and fonts to the user's Windows specified values. Author: Dan
27.     Classes to Resize-Reposition Controls when Form is Resized:   These two classes automatically resize all controls on the form when the form is resized. A demo project is included. Author: Josef
28.     Clear all Textboxes on a Form:   This is a simpler version of the subroutine at That version clears all edit controls on a form, including text boxes Rich Text controls, and custom controls that have a similar interface. This version has less code and works with text boxes only. Author: Chris
29.     Color Scroll Bars:   A simple application, with three scroll bars, labeled R, G, and B. As you change the value of any of these, the background color of the form changes to match the selected values. A possible component of any UI that allows users to select colors. Author: Irfan
30.     Command Button that Automatically Generates Querys or Perform Validation on Click:   This is a command button that can be used to automatically generate insert/update queries and, in conjunction with my extended text box control (code available on this site, binary included in this package) validate user entries. See the sample client and the readme included with this package for more information on how the button works. Author:
31.     Command Button with MouseOverColor property:   This button control uses a timer and a few API calls to implement a mouse over color property. This is a more reliable method than simply relying on the MouseOver method, which sometimes is not fired upon leaving the control if the user moves the mouse too fast. Author:
32.     Control Resizer Class:   ControlResizer class will automatically resize controls. Author: chito
33.     Copy Contents of one MSFlexGrid To Another:   Sample Usage: (Pasting Entire contents of MSFlexGrid1 to MSFlexGrid2):. Author:
34.     Create Custom Caret (Text Box Cursor):   This project demostrates how you can create your own carets use them as the cursor in a text box. Author:
35.     Create a Form that Cannot Be Activated:   This creates a form that cannot be activated (i.e., no activate event is ever fired and it always appears disabled). You still can, however, click on the form's title bar (if it has one) and move it. Author: Leo
36.     Create a Form with a Transparent Shade:   This demonstrates how to apply a transparent shade to a form like DOS Programs. The code requires the installation of the included ocx for the subclassing (Subclass.ocx). The .ocx will be installed automatically when you run the program for the first time in the IDE. Author: Sandro
37.     Create an Elliptic-Shaped Form:   This demo shows you how to create an elliptic-shaped form using the CreateEllipticRgn API function. Author: Alexander
38.     Custom Button Control:   Enhanced command button control with custom colors and images. Author:
39.     Customizable Progress Bar:   This progress bar includes a number of customizable properties, including back and fore color, and orientation. Author:
40.     Customize The Title Bar's Font, Color, Text Alignment, and Text Size:   This demo app shows you how to use a picture and a label to simulate a title bar on a form. You can then easily customize the look of your title bar, without having to change the look of title bars in other applications (which is what would happen if you use the API to change the appearance of your title bar). Author: Abdulaziz
41.     Customized Menus with No APIs:   Want to have more control over file menu design check out this code. Author:
42.     Cut, Copy, and Paste for MSFlexGrid Control:   These are some Edit functions (Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete, Select All), similar to some Texteditors, for the MSFlexGrid Control. You need a Form with a FlexGrid (MSFlexGrid1). Author:
43.     Data Aware Grid Control:   This is a grid control with a number of nice features, including the ability to automatically populate it with the contents of a recordset, the ability to export it's contents to Excel or HTML, and some good UI features. Author: Muhammad Jauhari
44.     Demo of Various Form Effects-Rollovers, Skinned Forms, Scrolling Labels, and More:   This application demonstrates effects such as roll-overs, flash effects, scrolling credits, streaming text over the form, skinned forms, and changing a form's background color as the mouse is moved over the form. Author:
45.     Digital LCD-like Counter Control:   This is a counter control that looks like the two digital counters in Minesweeper, with the same functionality. Author: Pieter van
46.     Digital Readout OCX w-Different Formats:   DigitBox displays Digits that look like the LED displays of yore. Author:
47.     Disable and Enable the X button on a form:   This routine allows you to disable and re-enable the 'X' in the top corner of any form. Usage should be self-explanatory. Author: Scott
48.     Display a ProgressBar in the System Tray:   This demo shows you how to turn a form into a progress bar that displays in the system tray. Author: Vitaliy
49.     Display or Close Forms with Two Cool Effects:   With this class, you can have your form outwards or open and close like a blind. Author: Thomas
50.     Dock Forms to the Edge of the Desktop:   This package includes a class you can use to dock forms to any edge of the the desktop (taking into account the taskbar), and a demo application that uses the class. Author: Elad
51.     Drag and Drop From One TreeView to Another:   This example shows how to drag from one treeview and drop it on other treeview on any selected node or in the root. Author:
52.     Drag and Drop controls into Container Controls:   This demo shows you how to drag and drop a control into a container control such as a frame. Author:
53.     Drag and Drop controls into Container Controls:   This demo shows you how to drag and drop a control into a container control such as a frame. Author:
54.     Draggable Splitter Bar:   Example of a draggable splitter bar. Author: Rob
55.     Draglist-A Listbox that lets Users Drag Items from One Position to Another:   The Draglist is a listbox that adds the ability for the user to drag the items to a new location. Author: Joe
56.     Drop-Down Calculator Control Version 1.2:   An .OCX which provides a calculator in the format of a combo-box like drop-down. Author: Abdul
57.     Dual List Box Control w-Full Drag Drop Functionality:   I got tired putting controls together to make dual list boxes that trade items on my apps, so I decided to write it as a control. Author: John
58.     Dynamic Instantiation of User Controls-Demo:   This project contains three user controls and illustrates how to instantiate them at runtime, as opposed to by placing them on a form. Author: david
59.     Easy Splitter Bar:   Demonstrates the ease of implementing a splitter bar to a VB app using two picture boxes. Author: Duane
60.     Edit Data in a Read Only Grid (MSFlexGrid):   Basically, a textbox is positioned over the cell that you want to edit. Author: Dave
61.     Editable Grid Control With Support for Combo Boxes and Check Boxes Version 2.0:   The original ocx used a textbox to enable easy editing functionality of an empty FlexGrid control. Author: John
62.     Enable or Disable All Controls on All Frames:   When you disable a frame, all of the controls on the frame are unaccessible, even though they appear enabled. This can be confusing. Author: Lance
63.     Encapsulated Select Box Code:   This is a sample of how to code a procedure so it will fit into any application with ease. Author:
64.     Enhanced Check Box-Option Button Controls:   These controls add some properties to the standard option button and check box controls. Author: Kevin
65.     Enhanced CommandButton with Many Extra Features:   An ActiveX control (OCX) for creating Buttons with attributes unavailable in the intrinsic CommandButton control of VB. Author:
66.     Enhanced Flex Grid Control:   This UserControl enhances the functionality of the MSFlexGrid control. Author: Muhammad Jauhari
67.     Enhanced Masked Edit Control:   This control is my replacement for the standard VB masked edit control. Author: The Frog
68.     Enhanced Scrollbar Control:   This is an enhanced scroll bar control, providing additional features such as a 3D look and feel and a transparent property. Author: Cem
69.     Enhanced Text Box Control:   This text box control allows you to limit input based on datatype (i.e., you can have it accept only integers, bytes, etc.) or numeric range. Author: Paulo
70.     Enhancement of VB ListBox Control (Version 1.2):   This enhancement of the ListBox control includes methods such as findfirst and properties such as alignment, seletionunderline, hoverselection, and scrollbarwidth. A demo client project is included. Author: Carles
71.     Export or Print Text from a List View Control:   The Control manages printing and exporting the contents of a ListView in report-mode. Author: Roman
72.     Extended TextBox Control:   This is an extended version of the standard Textbox control in VB Special Functionality of this will include setting the... Author:
73.     Find-Replace in TreeView Control:   Find and replace in treeview and undo replace in treeview for every node. Author:
74.     FlexComboBox-Enhanced ComboBox:   This enhancement of the standard combo box add many new font, color, and style related properties. Author: Ted
75.     FlexListBox-Enhanced List Box Control:   This enhancement of the standard list box adds many new font, color, and style/UI related properties. Author: Ted
76.     Focusing controls with carriage returns:   This small code added to the Key Press event will lwt you leave a textbox or any input control by just pressing the Enter button. Author: Rajarshi
77.     Font List and Combo Box:   This module implements a font list and combo box that you can use as a substitute for the font dialog box. Author: Behrooz
78.     Form Template with Splitter Bars to Divide Form into 4 Panes:   Form template... Divides form into four sizable panes. Author: Jeff N.
79.     Generic Listbox columns routine:   Use the SendMessage API to set tab stops in a VB listbox . Author: VBPJ
80.     Gradient Box-Button Active X Control:   This ActiveX control lets you add a shadow that falls behind a control. Author: Vantha
81.     Graphical Button with Many Features:   This is a button to which you can add pictures/icons. Author: Gurhan
82.     Graphical Command Button:   This .OCX is a replacment for the standard command button. Author: Carles
83.     Helper routine to turn a textbox into a scrolling log-chat window:   This routine handles the adding of text to a textbox such that the added text is always in view. Author: Larry
84.     Horizontal and Vertical Scrolling Form Example:   This is a form with a horizontal and vertical scrollbar. Author:
85.     Horse Racing Demo:   Demonstrates the use of placing sound and multiple icons in a resource file. Author:
86.     Hover Button Control:   This is an enhancement of the standard command button. Author:
87.     Hyperlink Control:   Hyperlink control, offers Text Mode or Image Mode. Author:
88.     Hyperlink Control for Web, Mail, and Computer Links:   Fully customizable with sample project and source code included. Author: Marc
89.     IP Address Inputbox and Validator:   This is a form that provides a way for users to enter IP addresses and for your program to validate them. Author: Erik
90.     InputBox with Password Characters:   This code shows a simple way of 'hooking' modal windows (MsgBox or InputBox) and changing their behavior. Author: Arkadiy
91.     Internet Explorer-Like Treeview:   This shows you how to implement a treeview like the one in the Advanced Setting in Internet Explorer. Author:
92.     Keep your program on top:   This piece of code works by using the SendMessage API to change the window's ZOrder. Author: Sam
93.     Lightweight Visual Studio-like Tab Control v 1.03:   This is a lightweight control (just 84kb compiled) that adds Visual Studio tabs to your projects. Author: Leontti A. Ramos
94.     Limit Cursor Movement to Within a Particular Form or Control:   See comments for details and example. Author: Leo
95.     ListBox - Adding a horizontal scroll bar:   This piece of code adds a horizontal scroll bar to the list box when an item goes outside of its borders. Author: Sam
96.     ListBox - Clearing all items:   This code is a quick and easy way to remove all the list items from a list box. Author: Sam
97.     ListBox - Get the first visible item and scroll to a different one:   This code can be very useful if you want to know where the user is at in your list, and move them away from that area to a different part of the list. Author: Sam
98.     ListBox API Messages-Demo Application:   This is a demo application that shows you how to use a number of the List Box Specific API messages. Author: david
99.     ListView Column Sorting:   If you want to add user sorting to your list views when in report mode, ie the user clicks a column header and the listview is sorted appropriatley, you may find this routine of use. Author: Richard
100. ListView Flat Headers:   If you do not want your ListViews to have button style column headers, you can use this code to change them to a flat style. Author: Richard
101. MDI Task Bar control:   This is a major overhaul of the MDI Taskbar that Maxx Zephyr had uploaded here in 1999. Author: Gregg
102. Make a control 3D:   Draw some nice 3D effects around a control. Author: Sam
103. Make a form 3D:   Using the Line method, you can draw a nice 3D edge around a form . Author: Sam
104. Make a form dance:   Make your form jump about the screen looking really cool. Author: Sam
105. Make a form transparent:   You can use the SetWindowLong and the extended window style constant WS_EX_VISIBLE to make a form invisible. Author: Sam
106. Make the background of a control flash:   Make the background of a control flash. Author: Sam
107. Make the title bar flash:   Hewlett Packard did this with some of their printing utilities and so can you! Using the FlashWindow API and a timer, you can easily flash your title bar. Author: Sam
108. Move Items from one List Box to Another Without Duplication:   Example of how to move items from one list box to another and remove any duplications. Author:
109. Move a form without a title bar:   If you don't want a title bar but want to be able to move the form or you have created your own title bar, use this piece of code to move a form without a title bar. Author: Sam
110. OSD (On-Screen Display) Demonstration:   This code can show a message on the screen (like on a TV when you change the channel) that is very easy to read and can be animated. Author: Sacha
111. Only allow numbers in a nodes text:   This treeview tip again uses the SendMessage API call to find the edit window in the treeview and then send a message to it, the ES_NUMBER message to only allow numbers. Author: Sam
112. Only allowing numbers into a text box:   Stop users from typing in letters into a text box using the API. Author: Sam
113. Only allowing numbers into a text box (API):   This piece of code updates the previous one, which was lenghty. Author: Sam
114. Open a file using the File, Drive and Dir listbox:   This is a Tip for opening a file with the source given by DriveBox, DirBox, and FileBox. Author: Sam
115. PhoneBox Control-Replica of the Outlook2000 PhoneBox:   Simple OCX for Phone input and validation. Author: Ramon
116. Place a Tiled Background on an MDI form:   To demonstrate how to tile the MDI form. There are more than one ways of doing it, but this one is without pain. Author:
117. Popup Menu in TreeView Control:   This code will allow you to right-click an item in a treeview, and popup a menu at the bottom-left of the item. Author: Roni
118. Print Form with Margins:   This module illustrates two ways to a print a form with margins. Author:
119. Print Text at Angles to Form an Arc or Ellipse:   I saw a snippet about using "Buiging" by LPChip InterActive this evening. Author:
120. Print the Contents of a Flex Grid:   This applications contains modules that allow you to print the contents of an MSFlexGrid and also populate an MSFlexGrid with the contents of a recordset. Author: Joe
121. Printing a RichTextBox:   The RichTextBox provides you with a simple printing function, but this tip shows you how to add margins to your print outs for a more professional look. Author: Sam
122. Progress Bar Control:   Supports 3 kinds of display (normal, smooth and bouncing). Author: Marc
123. Provide status messages for menus:   This cool tip displays a description of a menu when the user moves over it. Author: Sam
124. Quick and Dirty Desktop Toolbar with Autohide:   This is a great way to start making a toolbar. Author: Bryan
125. React to font changed events:   Use WithEvents to perform an action when you change any font properties of a specific control or form. Author:
126. Reading in each line of a file into a list box:   Reading in each line of a file into a list box . Author: Sam
127. Reading in each line of a text box:   This is such a useful piece of code when you are dealing with files. Author: Sam
128. Recursively Traverse the Nodes of a TreeView Control:   This snippet shows you how to loop through all the nodes of a tree view control with one function, which is called recursively. Author: david
129. Replacement for the VB Frame Control:   This frame control behaves more like the panels found in many 3rd party control libraries. Author: The Frog
130. Resize Class:   A simple resize class which will resize all your controls on the form with 2 function calls. The class will also resize the cells of an MSFlexGrid class. Author: Ran Ben
131. Resize Controls Proportionally when a Form is Resized:   This class will automatically resize all controls on a form when the form is resized, like the VideoSoft Elastic control. Author:
132. Resize and move a form:   Use the MoveWindow API to resize and move a form. Author: Sam
133. Restore Errant focus to RichTextBox:   If a RichTextBox control has the focus in a Multiple Document Interface (MDI) child form, it doesn't properly regain the focus after your application loses and regains focus. Author:
134. Return Hexadecimal, RGB, or Long Value From the Color Common Dialog:   This demo shows you how to call the common dialog control color palette and select a color. Author:
135. Roll a form up and down:   You can setup a loop that moves the form up and down . Author: Sam
136. Rolling Popup Menu Demo:   This application demonstrates a customized popup menu, with a "rolling" (vertically scrolled and gradually revealed) effect. Author: Alexander
137. Scrollbars:   The basics of using scroll bars. Author: Sam
138. Search a list box:   Use the API to find a string within a list box. Author: Sam
139. Select a list item on right click:   Select a list item on right click. Author: Sam
140. Select all the text on focus:   When a text box receives focus, make it highlight all the text. Author: Sam
141. Set the ShowInTaskbar property at runtime:   Set the ShowInTaskbar property at runtime. Author: Sam
142. Show Long List Entries as a ToolTip:   This code, for the mouse move event of a listbox, will display listbox items as a hovering tooltip when the mouse is over the item. Author:
143. Show-Hide a combo drop down list:   Show/Hide a combo drop down list. Author: Sam
144. Simple Etch-A-Sketch Like Application:   This is a simple etch-a-sketch application. It demonstrates how to draw on a form using the PSet function, and how to capture key events using the GetKeyState API function. Author: Alexander
145. Slider Control:   Slider control with a variety of visual settings. Includes a sample project. Author: Carles
146. Small but Functional Progress Bar Control:   Useful control with property page. Allows you to set properties such as forecolor, backcolor, font, and animation style (fixed, left, or rigth). Author:
147. Sort Date Column in ListView without Using API:   The listview control cannot sort date column. It sorts date column as normal text. Author: Mitesh H.
148. Sort any type of data in a ListView Control:   Sort any type of data in a ListView without subclassing or API calls. Very low overhead. Author:
149. Spider Web Screen Effect:   This form creates a cool spider-web like effect when the user moves the mouse around with the left mouse button down. Author: Alexander
150. Syntax Highlighting Textbox Control:   A UserControl based on the RichTextBox that does color syntax highlighting for VBScript code. Author: Aaron
151. Tab Control:   Tired of distributing MSCOMCTL.OCX only for a simple tabstrip? With this small ActiveX control (incl. full source) you can merge the tab control into your project with no need for anexternal OCX. Author: Michael
152. Testing the locked property of a text box:   This sample again uses the GetWindowLong API call and the GWL_STYLE constant. Author: Sam
153. TextBox Control Enhancement:   This control provides a number of improvements over the normal text box, primarily related to restriting entry to certain types of data. Author: Arvind K.
154. Three Dimensional Data Array Grid and Report Viewer:   The module shows how to use a three deminsional array to store, read and display column widths, row heights and data. For the sake of simplicity, I loaded static data of fixed rows and heights in the form load event, but a user interface could be created to dynamically store varying widths and heights. Author:
155. Toolbar Restore Demo:   Demo app showing how to save and restore toolbar settings, as well as apply a number of visual effects to the standard vb toolbar. Author:
156. Transparent Picture Box:   This code shows how to use the PaintPicture function to create a transparent picture box. There are two picture boxes on a form. Author:
157. Treeview - Adding special features:   In the third part of this tutorial, we continue to learn more about the treeview control. Past parts include: - The basics - Changing colours This part allows us to add features such as track selection and checkboxes. Author: Sam
158. Treeview - Chaning colours:   This is the second part of the Treeview code series. Last week we showed you how to simply add nodes to the treeview control. Author: Sam
159. Treeview - Label Editing:   This code allows you to simulate the label editing in Explorer. Author: Sam
160. Treeview - The Basics:   The basics of using the treeview control. Author: Sam
161. True Form on top with API:   Let your form be right on top even though form does not have the focus. Author:
162. Type Ahead Combo Box:   Would you like to force users to select an itme from your combo box list and also allow them to just type the first few cahracters of a list item to bring the desired item into focus? Here is the API and code to do it. Author:
163. Unlimited Undo for MS FlexGrid-Demo:   This form containing an MSFlexGrid demonstrates how to add multiple levels of undo for the flex grid. Author:
164. Use Masked Edit Box with Variable Length Data from a Database:   If you've ever tried to use the DataSource and DataField properties of the Masked Edit control (at least 6.0 SP3), there's some common annoyances... Author: Brock
165. Using the auto-complete function:   Microsoft Internet Explorer now supports this cool feature - add it to your apps using this tip. Author: Sam
166. Various Active X controls -- Font picker, Splitter, Hyperlink, and More:   Various Active X controls, including font picker, Enhanced File Dialog, Splitter, and HyperLink. Includes a sample project. Recently upgraded to include a tray icon control. Author: Brian

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